Monday, December 26, 2005

Peace of Mind

Still no Christmas message, but Peace of Mind is kind of close to Peace on Earth in a six degrees of separation Kevin Bacon kind of thing so, this could be considered Merry Christmas, except that it is rapidly closing in on the 27th of December, and most of you are out shopping anyway, not reading this blog, but for the one person who is....

a new client of mind was hospitalized on Christmas Night, and is still there. Half her family had to leave to go back to their homes out of town, one daughter stayed.

I spent three hours with them in the hospital today, talking about care arrangements. visiting, etc.

If you want to know what care managers really do, in the end---after we arrange the care, and go to the hospital, and hold some hands, and advocate, and push, and .....

Most families will say, when asked what they receive is "peace of mind." That's worth a lot.