Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Yesterday's Vancouver Sun published an excellent article on Falls and fall prevention. It noted that 40% of falls could be reduced with strength and balance training. Not only does that make falls an excellent target for savings in terms of provincial health budgets, but it shows, once again, that we do not have to be helpless about concerns of aging.

Or, more importantly, what we think of as "inevitable" as we age is not, necessarily. The most important thing we have to change about getting older is our stereotypes of what is possible and what isn't possible. This means changing our beliefs about ourselves, our parents, our clients.

It means we have to look at each belief we have and remember that it is a belief--and those can be challenged. The world is flat, isn't it?

Below is a section of the article ( Vancouver Sun, February 6, 2007, by Karen Gram)

84 per cent of injury-related hospitalizations are from falls.
- 40 per cent of those hospitalized for a fall have a hip fracture.
- 90 per cent of hip fractures are caused by a fall.
- 20 per cent of seniors who suffer a hip fracture die within 1 year, and of those who survive 50 per cent never regain their pre-hip fracture functioning.
- Each year in British Columbia, falls among seniors result in approximately: 771 deaths 3,100 hip fractures, and 10,000 hospitalizations.

- Impaired vision, often improved with new glasses or treatment.
- Risk taking, like standing on a stool.
- Multiple medication use (four or more and especially the benzodiaopines which are sedatives, anti-depressants and anti-psychotics.) This can be improved with drug rationalization.
- Presence of chronic illnesses, such as stroke, heart disease, arthritis. Little can be done about this.
- Acute illnesses that weaken the person so much they often fall in the hospital. Prevention programs in hospitals.
- Fear of falling. Usually develops after a fall. They stop going out, get weaker and their chances of falling increase. The fear can be a self-fulfilling prophesy.
- Weak balance and strength. This is the factor which most easily improvable.
- Community hazards. Things like throw rugs, pets under foot or poor lighting. Should have night lights between bedroom and bathroom and 100 watt light bulbs. Should also have handrails on the stairs preferably on both sides.