Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Welcome to Diamond Geriatrics blog.I like to think of it as ElderBlog

My name is Peter Silin. In addition to being the principal of Diamond Geriatrics, I am also a professional, with twenty five years of training, knowledge, and skills in the fields of geriatrics, aging, dementia, seniors housing, nursing homes, and family systems.

The point of this is to comment on issues affecting older people, their families, and caregivers, at the British Columbia, Canadian, and larger level.Personal things that occur to me and that I see in my work with clients, and issues that come up on the social and political scene.

Sometimes, some of the things that happen are so poignant and touching they make me want to cry. Sometimes they are so outrageous they make me want to scream and tear my hair out ( But as my hair seems to be like world oil these days, e.g. a rapidly declining resource, I think I will have to control myself in that area.)

So if you have comments on what is happening to yourself,to someone you love, to me, to British Columbia, to Canada, post it.